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Location: Seattle, WA, United States

I am a Christian. I develop software for Amazon.com. I also sometimes do theater in various capacities, write now and then, and I enjoy some undefinable essence that can often be found in fantasy.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

The Afterlife

I was thinking about the afterlife today. It's easy not to. And it's easy to think of it mostly as what comes after the important stuff. Here in life is what matters. Even if that means giving to the poor and saving souls, it's natural to think that what we do in this world is the central feature of our existance.

I was thinking about comparing this to a game. When playing a game, it sometimes seems like the game is all that matters. Even though it is not a very large or important thing, we aren't thinking about anything else, and we care about winning the game. However, once the game's over, we see the rest of life again, and we remember broader goals and priorities. Fortunately, games aren't always that enveloping, but it happens enough to serve as an analogy. I am thinking that leaving this life might be like leaving a game. We would be leaving this sphere for a grander sphere, a narrow life for a broader life, a life which is just as rich as ours and then some, a life which is every bit as interesting, but works in different ways. This sphere we live in now might seem a disk compared to the sphere we are entering! Not central at all, just a stepping-block!

The Bible doesn't say a great deal about what exactly goes on in heaven, and as I'm going a little further than it says, I may be missing the mark on some points. Apply salt as desired.


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