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Location: Seattle, WA, United States

I am a Christian. I develop software for Amazon.com. I also sometimes do theater in various capacities, write now and then, and I enjoy some undefinable essence that can often be found in fantasy.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Back from the Abbey

I spent Monday through Friday this last week at St. Gregory's Abbey. The idea was to have a retreat to renew my relationship with God, and maybe work through some of the stuff that's always sitting around needing to be worked through. My father has gone to this abbey for a week of retreat nearly every year for some time, and I thought I would try it myself. It turns out to be quite a nice place out in the country. There are seven monks, many little services every day, and lots of Psalms and chanting. I haven't spent much time reading Psalms— not usually my favorite— and it was neat to be immersed in them for a while. There's also a bit of wooded land, and a small lake with a couple of rowboats. I learned that before using a rowboat, its drain needs to be plugged. I didn't know they had drains that were left unplugged, but I suppose it would be a good measure against rainwater. Anyway, sitting out in the middle of the lake in a boat watching the reflection of trees in rippling water was pretty relaxing.

I took a few pictures, and I could post a couple if anyone is interested.


Blogger Abigail said...

Nature pics are always welcome!

So did you figure out that the drain needed to be plugged before or after you were in the middle of the lake?

May 30, 2006 11:01 AM  
Blogger Soaring Gryphon said...

Well, I don't happen to be at my own computer right now, so you'll have to wait a little longer on the pictures, but I can tell you about the drain plug. I found it out before I was in the middle of the lake, but not before it made the boat very hard to drag back onshore. It was hard to miss because the opening was large enough to let the water come up to the same level inside the boat as it was outside. At first, I thought having more of the boat in the water might balance it somehow, and bring about equilibrium, but after awhile I realized I was out of luck, and I would need to solve the problem some other way. I didn't manage to find a drain plug until I read about it on the instructions sticker. That was a little like some text adventures, where when you play through a second time, you can't find the item where you remember finding it until you've read the clue saying that's where it is. I was amused.

June 16, 2006 7:51 PM  

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