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Location: Seattle, WA, United States

I am a Christian. I develop software for Amazon.com. I also sometimes do theater in various capacities, write now and then, and I enjoy some undefinable essence that can often be found in fantasy.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Whirlwind of Limbo

I am in the midst of a six-week period. It began when I moved back home, having graduated at two separate ceremonies and skipped a third. It will end when I flap my wings really hard and fly all the way over to Seattle, with perhaps just a little help from a commercial airline. In the meantime, I am sort of trying to take a break; I am reading more, and I don't have regimented wake-up times; but at the same time, I am pretty thoroughly swamped. I have a long todo list, with a lot of small tasks and a few that are larger, more daunting, but also more important. I am trying to arrange visits with some people I know before I go; I don't really feel like I have time to, but it's easier now than it will be when I live in Seattle, and I know there is value there. Also helping my sister paint the inside of her duplex, and working with a friend on a novel we're writing together, and also on his move from one apartment to a neighboring one.

On the upside, I will get to see a lot of friends, and I have read several quite enjoyable books; I now have an active interest in continuing the series that begins with The Diamond Throne by David Eddings, and the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan (I've finished the prequel, the first book, and the second book), and the series that begins with His Majesty's Dragon by Naomi Novik. I recommend all of those books to people who enjoy fantasy, and people who like historical fiction might also enjoy HIs Majesty's Dragon, depending on how much deviation they can appreciate. I'm pretty sure there were no dragons involved in the Napoleonic wars, but the book is placed in the historical framework of those wars, and there is more history there than I can appreciate without brushing up my knowledge.

Next week, I'm taking a retreat at a monastery a few hours away. I've never done it before, but I'm hoping to come back with a stronger relationship with God, and with my life generally more sorted out. Also, I am hoping to come back refreshed. :-)


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