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Location: Seattle, WA, United States

I am a Christian. I develop software for Amazon.com. I also sometimes do theater in various capacities, write now and then, and I enjoy some undefinable essence that can often be found in fantasy.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Does anyone know the normal way to tell people it's your birthday without sounding like your fishing for presents or surprise parties? I don't, but I figured a blog post was vague enough that nobody could feel obliged. :-) My birthday is on the 23rd of this month, a day which will also be graced by the presence of my mother. I had a family birthday party a week ago when I was in Michigan, but I don't have anything else planned at present. If anyone feels like helping me plan a birthday party sometime after the birthday, let me know, b/c I don't feel inspired to do it on my own. :-)


Blogger Goldberry said...

Wait a second... are you going to be 23 on the 23rd...? :-D

September 21, 2006 8:45 PM  
Blogger Soaring Gryphon said...

Yes I am! A magical day has come...

September 22, 2006 12:03 AM  

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