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Location: Seattle, WA, United States

I am a Christian. I develop software for Amazon.com. I also sometimes do theater in various capacities, write now and then, and I enjoy some undefinable essence that can often be found in fantasy.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Stardust and Leader-Ladies

A probe named Stardust has landed on Earth after a seven-year journey through the solar system. It carries our first sample of comet dust. They haven't gotten to the point of studying the dust yet, but it sounds like a pretty cool thing.

I was also amused to see two female presidents in the news today. I don't hear about many new presidents in the news, and I don't think I've ever noticed a headline about a female one since I set up my headline screensaver. Having two announced on the same day seems like quite a fun coincidence! ...though I suppose being at the start of a new year might have something to do with it. Both have historic trivia attached to them: Chile is getting its first lady president, and Liberia is putting in place the first elected lady president not only in that country, but in all of Africa. Overall, pretty cool.


Blogger Mike said...

Cool, how? How is that cool? How is that horrible?

January 25, 2006 7:49 PM  

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