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Location: Seattle, WA, United States

I am a Christian. I develop software for Amazon.com. I also sometimes do theater in various capacities, write now and then, and I enjoy some undefinable essence that can often be found in fantasy.

Saturday, December 01, 2007


It is the first of December, and for the first time here this winter, it is snowing. I tried to take a picture, but my free little digital camera cannot capture snowflakes. They are big, fat flakes, falling down in flocks, in crowds. Some of them must be an inch and a half from one end to the other! The conifers are feathered with flakes, and the other trees, devoid of leaves, stand in stark silhouette against a whitish sky. It is winter indeed. And to me, it seems excellent for winter to start not just sometime in December, and certainly not in November, but exactly when December begins! Perhaps I like numbers too well. I have sometimes wondered how people in the early and middle 1900's could stand living in years that had such boring numbers. It only recently occurred to me how little the year number really has to do with the flavor of a time. Or perhaps what was news was that I did think they were related.
