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Location: Seattle, WA, United States

I am a Christian. I develop software for Amazon.com. I also sometimes do theater in various capacities, write now and then, and I enjoy some undefinable essence that can often be found in fantasy.

Saturday, November 18, 2006


I think it's kind of cool that this guy made this post. I don't know him, just ran across his blog while Googling for info about something, but the honesty and the humility are inspiring, not to mention his desire to protect her in a way that was still right, even though the pain of the breakup. Even just admitting that it was his fault probably took a lot of strength along with some unpalatable self-examination. Most break-ups aren't nearly this pretty.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Prayer and Blamelessness

The Psalms have sometimes been explained to me as example prayers for us to pray. Part of that is that they show our human weaknesses and encourage us to carry on. That gives them the freedom to cry out things like "All is lost, there is no hope!" and then say that all is not lost and there is hope. But consider Psalm 26 and Luke 18:9-14. How can Psalm 26 be a good prayer to pray? I suppose it could be useful as a warning sign... "Son, that prayer you prayed sounded an awful lot like Psalm 26. You've got some humbling coming your way!" But somehow, that's not what I thought the Psalms were there for... If I were reading this Psalm out loud, I would read it as an idea of what, perhaps, God might want me to be. Something where I am reading it and thinking "this is far from what I actually am". Also, something where I can think, "Christ covers me, therefore God does see me this way." But Christ didn't tell us to pray this way... Any insights?

Monday, November 06, 2006


While I do of course have more serious, relevant observations, I thought I would note down some of the things that were more amusing.

A candidate who is several thousand years old

For one candidate, when I typed "name Washington" into Google, I got back an address and a phone number. It would have amused me to call him, but since it was past midnight already, it seemed a little too rude.

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised when the campaign website of a past Microsoft employee fails to function properly in Safari.

If you weren't planning on voting, then do! You might just be amused...