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Location: Seattle, WA, United States

I am a Christian. I develop software for Amazon.com. I also sometimes do theater in various capacities, write now and then, and I enjoy some undefinable essence that can often be found in fantasy.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Logicking Boats and Worlds

We will start with these two sayings:
  1. "Don't rock the boat"
  2. "That rocked my world!"

Now, expression 1 is a negative expostulation, stating displeasure at the rocking of the boat. We might tentatively state that rocking is unpleasant. However, we know that expression 2 is a positive exclamation, stating pleasure at the rocking of the world.

Therefore, we can conclude that rocking is not always unpleasant. Rocking a boat evokes displeasure, but rocking a world evokes pleasure.

If that is the state of things with boats and worlds, then it must further be clear that stability is a very desirable quality for a boat, but not for a world. Boats should rest firmly in one place and not shift about. Worlds, on the otherhand, should be constructed in such a way that they rock about easily, for the pleasure of their denizens.

So in an ideal world, when you want excitement and thrill, you should stay on the land of your world, but if you begin to get motion sickness, you should spend some time in a boat.


Tuesday, April 03, 2007

My Cap has a Purpose

In the interest of blogging more often, I am dashing this off before I eat supper.

I have seen three perdiddles in the past three days. Is spring perdiddle season?

I also saw a fellow wearing a cloak on the sidewalk while I was walking to the bus stop. He didn't look like he was trying to costume himself, either. It would be funny if fashion gradually shifted to the point where people thought it was normal to wear full midieval garb. :-)

The mountains are looking especially beautiful these days. I have observed an interesting thing. The Olympics are closer to work than home, but they look bigger from the park & ride near my apartment than they do from the skyscraper I work in. The heigh of my observation point must make up for being closer.

And finally, the subject of this post, which I have been racking my brains for the whole time. My cap has a Michigan block M on it. I bought it at Meijer's at the start of my senior year; I believe it is my first piece of Michigan apparel. Now, I have been thinking more and more about retiring it for a hat that expresses me better... perhaps something geeky, or something about God, or something about fantasy. That's not so much because I mind wearing a Michigan M; I do not. However, I do get tired of the reactions it brings (brought) during football season. "You watching the game?" "What did you think of the game last night?" "So, did Michigan win?" All of which brings from me some variant of "uhhhhh" followed by, "I went to school there, I really don't follow sports." However, today, it brought something more interesting: "Michigan, eh?" It was more interesting because it turned out that the middle-aged man calling it out had also gone to Michigan, and had been living in Ann Arbor working for various tech companies for a good while until he moved out to Seattle to work for Amazon just two years ago. He's working on Amazon's "Plog" feature now; it looks like it could be neat. Turns out they had pointed me to a DST update for my Palm if I'd only bothered to look. lol But cooler is that based on books you buy, they'll offer you blogs from authors you read; it's a pity so many of the greats aren't around anymore, or I'd look forward to getting hooked in to, say, CS Lewis's plog, but a modern author's might still be pretty cool.

Monday, April 02, 2007


This t-shirt is funny. I don't think I need a funny t-shirt right now, but if I did, I might buy this one.

