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Location: Seattle, WA, United States

I am a Christian. I develop software for Amazon.com. I also sometimes do theater in various capacities, write now and then, and I enjoy some undefinable essence that can often be found in fantasy.

Saturday, October 28, 2006


I've been dreaming more lately than I was earlier this year, I think. Last night, I had a variety of adventures. I and the people I was adventuring with spent a fair amount of time with the queen of Denmark, who was very friendly and was willing to spend talk with us for hours talking through our problems. I got woken up earlier than expected by my pager. I'm not on pager duty. I called the number that paged me, and it turned out to be a hospital, so I told them that they'd paged the wrong person and they ought to try again. Fortunately, I was not paged again.

The night before, I was on a trip to the mountains which involved staying in a cabin wiht a beautiful view. In the common room, there were floor-to-ceiling windows, with a stunning view from the mountain we were on to another nearby... a little comparable to the view from the visitor's center at Hurricane Ridge, though certainly not the same. I was there with a great many friends, including Colin and Abigail. In the morning, Colin and I went to the oath classroom to swear our oaths. When we walked in, he announced that he was #1, and I stated that I was #3. It was a small classroom, with stark white walls and bright flourescent lights. There were already several students there. I was handed the script for part #3, but before I could get a good look at it, (which is notoriously hard in dreams), I heard someone knocking on the door, followed by the distinctive ring of my doorbell. Ikea had finally delivered the other half of my coffee table. (I picked up the first half on my own, not realizing my folly.) The man apologized for waking me, and when I asked, he was even kind enough to take the box into my apartment for me. Then I went back to bed.


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