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Location: Seattle, WA, United States

I am a Christian. I develop software for Amazon.com. I also sometimes do theater in various capacities, write now and then, and I enjoy some undefinable essence that can often be found in fantasy.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Stonehenge, Vader, and a Countdown

I haven't posted for some time, but since I need to go to bed now, I figured I'd post again. In this movie, one man uses primitive wooden structures to erect a slab the weight of two minivans. He thinks that some of the techniques he demonstrates were probably also used in the building of Stonehenge.

Also on YouTube, a my friend Leif has referred me to the amusing adventures of Chad Vader.

In the last three days, I've met two people who have been to one foreign nation: South Africa. On Sunday, I met a woman named Gretchen. That's a good start there; I've liked that name for a long time, perhaps because the other Gretchen I know is so cool. At any rate, Gretchen shared her experiences caring for AIDS orphans in South Africa, and I talked with her briefly afterward. The next day, as often happens, my coworkers were discussing ketchup over lunch. Ross asked if anyone else had been to a country where it was called tomato sauce. Our British representative confirmed that it is catsup (or was it ketchup?) in Britain, not tomato sauce. However, Ross said that when he was in South Africa, his apartment had been burgled, and when he was telling his family about it, he said, "They even stole my tomato sauce!" I still haven't found out what brought him to South Africa, but the point is that I don't meet someone who's been to South Africa every day, and two in just three days is pretty interesting.


Blogger Faramir said...

Don't forget Dr. Diana Graham, a native of South Africa, at Christmastime in Sarasota. A great example of the people South Africa is currently exporting... 8-)>

March 26, 2007 8:56 AM  
Blogger Soaring Gryphon said...

Good point, I'd forgotten that she hailed from that part of the world. She's someone I'd love as an ally and fear as an opponent.

March 29, 2007 11:52 PM  

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